Saturday, March 22, 2014

Austin Google Fiber support to be outsourced to teleNetwork

It is with heavy heart that I've noticed teleNetwork advertising on Craig's List for staff "in support of Google Fiber".

This news is not thrilling to me or a number of my friends who have worked there. The experience left us with no new skills, and took a considerable chunk out of our faith in Humanity. At least they didn't go with Harte Hanks or "E-Communication Advantage".

TeleNetwork is an Austin and San-Marcos based outsourcer for call centers. They provide customer service agents for a host of small, still-independent DSL Internet providers and other accounts like executive support for various commercial software suites. TeleNetwork is an on-again, off-again telecommute, or work-from-home employer. They have physical call centers, too. 

They're seeking "Candidates that embrace and can always exhibit Googliness with customers". They'll be paying $10/hr for the Google account. I feel physically sick reading the job description, as these strong work ethic requirements they list are anything but what it was like working for teleNetwork.

Good luck, Google!