Friday, April 4, 2014

Google's Cable-Route Permits

By my reckoning, Google Gigabit Fiber may be running a bit behind now. We were told it would be available "in early 2014", and here it is, 1/4 of the way through the year already. But the good news is that there is measurable progress to show!

A local Reddit member has pulled up all of Google's permits for laying cable in Austin, and plotted them out on Google Maps (where else?). Google says these are just the permits filed so far, and many more will come.

So far, only a block of Cumberland Rd is included within Dawson Neighborhood, and a block of South Congress and 5 1/2 blocks of South First along our perimeter. Permits in nearby Galindo Neighborhood are quite extensive so far. All of the permits mapped out are in Austin's South side, with Dawson at dead-center.

Click this image for the interactive Google Map:

Google Rumor: Wireless with your Fiber? and Engadget are raising the rumor that Google approached Verizon January, 2014 about carrying Google branded mobile phone service over it's network.

Neither company responded to questions, but if such a partnership didn't occur, Google could certainly still find a way. The'll be stringing as many as 34 cities up with Gigabit Fiber, so they could hang radios on the poles or install femtocells in customer's homes instead of sharing cell towers with the major telcos.

If the mind bogglingly low price of Internet service is any measure, Google's mobile phone service could be so cheap they won't bother to meter it! Buy a Google phone, and make unlimited calls for 7 years?